Graham Drabble's Web Site


I am not currently ringing so this page isn't really being updated much. I've left it here in case anyone finds the compositions useful.

This page is in two parts. The top part consists of short touches that might be suitable for a practice night or Sunday service ringing. The bottom part is a list of quarter peals that I have composed + 3 peals of Plain Bob Major.

Short Touches

These are automatically generated and then screened for musical interest. I am in the process of rewriting the scripts so that the output is clearer.

For short touches of Grandsire and Stedman Triple look at the Triples page.

Quarter Peals

I have quarter peal compositions online for the following methods

I have proved them but mistakes can be made when transferring them online so you are advised to check them before ringing them. If you spot any mistakes then please let me know.

1264 Plain Bob Major

W  B  M  H
         3*  143256
-     s      164235
s        3'  132465
s  2         135246
-        3*  123456

3* = s--
3' = -s-
(All of 5xxx6, 63245, 64235 W->H from 64325)
24 xxxx5678, 12 xxxx6578 
8  2345xxxx, 4  1234xxxx

First called by Graham Drabble at St Thomas, Oxford on 13th June 2004

1264 Plain Bob Major

W  B  M  H
         s   124356
s  -         142563
2  -         164235
s        3'  132465
-     -  -   154326
s        3'  123456

3' = -s-

16 xxxx5678 12 xxxx6578
4  1234xxxx 8  2345xxxx

1264 Plain Bob Major

W  B  M  H
         s-  132456
-     s      163425
s        ss  123465
-     -      142536
4     s      162534
   2     -   123456

11 xxxx5678 8  xxxx6578 
6  1234xxxx 12 2345xxxx
All near misses on rounds

1264 Plain Bob Major

W  B  M  H
         2   134256
      2'     124356
s        -   135426
      -  2   156423
-        -   142563
      -  2   123564
   2  -  -   123456

2' = s-
14 xxxx5678
3 1234xxxx 2 4321xxxx 
8 2345xxxx 8 5432xxxx 4 3456xxxx 4 6543xxxx 7 4567xxxx

First called by Graham Drabble at St Thomas, Oxford on 23rd April 2006

1264 Plain Bob Major

W  V  B  4  M  H
      -            13526478
   -        s      14725368
            -      12735468
         s         14352678
      -        3'  12346578
-     2            13524678
-              3*  12345678
3' = --s
3* = s--

13 xxxx5678 11 xxxx6578 8 xxxx8765
5  1234xxxx 3  4321xxxx 9 2345xxxx

1280 Plain Bob Major

W  B  M  H
         -  142356
-  -  -  -  135264
   2        164523
-  2        143652
-        -  165432

2 part

8  xxxx5678 3  xxxx6578
7  xxxx2345 10 xxxx3456 2  xxxx4321 10 xxxx5432 7 xxxx6543
36 5 bell runs

First called by Graham Drabble at St Mary Magdalen, Oxford on 23rd May 2006

1280 Plain Bob Major

W  V  B  I  4  M  H
            -  -     17452638
   -s s              17254368
   s-       -        13547628
         -        -  13572648
      s              13572468
s        -        -  12536478
   -        -     -  16432578
ss             s     15432678
s                 s  12345678

5 xxxx5678  8 5678xxxx  3 xxxx2468  4 xxxx6578
3 1234xxxx  5 2345xxxx
Queens, Titums + whole of CO 764235, 246753 and 275346

1296 Plain Bob Major

W  V  B  I  4  M  H
-  -     -           17253648
   s              -  15743628
         -           17352648
   s  s              17452368
   2        -        13547628
         -        -  13572648
      s              13572468
            s  s     16723458
            -        14256378
-              -  -  13542678
-                    12345678

4 xxxx5678  4 xxxx2468
5 45678xxx  8 5678xxxx
53 5bell runs
Queens + CO 246753 and 275346

1296 Plain Bob Major

V  4  B  I  M  H
      3           16452378
   -        -  s  17256348
2                 17654328
s     s           17254638
-     s           17352468
      -  -        12436578
      -        s  14265378
            2  s  13425678
               -  12345678

7 xxxx5678 4 xxxx6578 4 xxxx2468 4 xxxx8765
3 1234xxxx 7 2345xxxx
Kings, 76543218

1296 Plain Bob Major

      -  142356
    -    132654
  2 2 -  153462
2     -  143652
  - - 2  156423
    -    146325
  - - 2  123456

12 xxxx5678 4 xxxx6578
1  xxxx1234 4 xxxx4321 8 xxxx5432 8  xxxx3456 7 xxxx6543

1296 Plain Bob Major

      -  142356
- -      142563
2   - -  135642
2     2  146532
- -      146325
2 2      145236
-     -  123456

8 xxxx5678 4 xxxx6578
2 xxxx4321 7 xxxx2345 8 xxxx5432 8 xxxx3456 8 xxxx6543
40 5 bell runs

1344 Plain Bob Major

V  4  I  M  H
   -     -      17452638
3     2     3'  13245678

2 part
24 xxxx5678, 24 xxxx8765

First called by Leon Thompson at Witney, Oxon on 5th March 2005

1280 Cambridge Surprise Major

M  W  B  H
      -  -  123564
      -     136245
-  2     -  156423
-        -  134625
      -  2  123456

8 xxxx5678  8 5678xxxx 2 xxxx6578
6 xxxx2345  2 xxxx5432 2 xxxx3456 2 xxxx6543
1 4321xxxx  2 1234xxxx 2 5432xxxx 4 6543xxxx 

1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major

V  I  W  H
   -     -  12357648
      -     17253648
-  -  -     (13472658)
   -     2  12345678

7 xxxx5678  5 8765xxxx  8 xxxx8765  4 5678xxxx  4 xxxx2468
6 2345xxxx  4 4321xxxx
Queens + Backrounds
(Note that the 8 and 6 remain fixed throughout)

1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major

  - 2  124536
  - -  153246
2   -  134625
-   2  123456

11 xxxx5678 1 xxxx6578 1 xxxx2468 1 xxxx8765
2  1234xxxx 2 4321xxxx 2 2345xxxx 8 8765xxxx 1 5678xxxx


5088 Plain Bob Major

      s  124356
    s -  136452
s   - -  124635
s        134625
s     s  126435
  3   -  135426
  - - -  134265

6 part.
24x xxxx5678 24x xxxx6578 24x xxxx5768
10x xxxx1234  7x xxxx2345  4x xxxx3456  8x xxxx4321
12x xxxx5432  6x xxxx6543  5x xxxx7654 87x xxxxx678
Titums, all the near misses, 38 5 bell runs off front or back

5040 Plain Bob Major

  - -  164352
- 3 s  153642
  - -  126345
s - 2  165324
  2    145623

5 part.
10x xxxx5678  8x xxxx6578  7x xxxx5768
 4x xxxx1234 16x xxxx2345 16x xxxx3456  5x xxxx4321
16x xxxx5432 16x xxxx6543  4x xxxx7654 45x xxxxx678
Titums, 4 near misses, 50 5 bell runs off front of back


5040 Plain Bob Major

    -  142356
-   2  143526
- - -  165432
    s  164532
-   2  165342
  - -  123546
  s -  156342

5 part.
16x xxxx5678 10x xxxx6578 10x xxxx5768
 6x xxxx1234 12x xxxx2345 16x xxxx3456  8x xxxx4321
16x xxxx5432 12x xxxx6543  7x xxxx7654 45x xxxxx678
All the near misses, 52 5 bell runs off front of back

First called by Graham Drabble at St Mary Magdalen, Oxford on 29th April 2006